With the patience of freezing alongside the living, the face composed and long since worn out for ever and a sheaf of severed threads sometimes in the left, sometimes in the right hand I carry out my unpaid and unsolicited work. That I can live on it Is both a privilege and law of coincidence. My work-places are at once in the air and on the ground on and under surfaces railway tracks motorways in cities and everywhere. I neither can nor will leave off work except in the state of deep sleep when I am innocent. There is neither provision for holidays nor pension plan no Christmas bonus nor the possibility of reporting sick not to mention safety precautions at the work-place. I am an unskilled female worker. I have to be for otherwise I could not pursue this completely unstructured unorthodox occupation at all. Because I dwell everywhere at the same time I often do not know whether I am on my head or on my heels nor what should be my starting-point. While working I do not talk or only the bare minimum and then against my will, Although when the situation demands it I can also talk a lot. Then whole cascades of words come rushing out masses of words thrust their way out of me without my knowing exactly where they come from where in me they originate and what they actually signify. They have always been alien and obscure to me and their emergence and outward form are embarrassing and unpleasant. Like a fit - foaming at the mouth with syllables - I try to handle such speech something beyond my control for which I refuse to be called to account an emergency which has to be taken in one’s stride with the least possible fuss.
My work is then occasionally neglected perhaps even remains undone which is why it may take offence although often I carry on furtively, on the sly even while I am speaking. But after such distractions when I can devote myself to it again undisturbed and no-one else addresses me It often lies before me pleading in quiet expectation. Then I dream of a time of never having to open my mouth again for discharges, rashes or floods of words. It is quietest where I pursue my favourite occupation where a restrained whir of voices prevails and you can’t talk of language because potential words vanish as they are generated or have burrowed back into their tunnels and holes and stare into the dark until the images come independent entities, traumas which are everywhere and always have been, wanting to be seen smelt and breathed by me even Integrated into my body. Past life fretted away, pulverised blood in fissured, dried-out river-beds primeval worms and slimy creatures intertwined in wet lands fine-grained sand and dust on the shores of the seas of liquefied pain which must be drained down to bedrock. Eyeless bodies still pulsating, waiting to be able at last to render up their hearts and then to be dissolved and washed away.
Sometimes in the night I feel the hum of voices next my skin. Hundreds of eyelids or feather-light lips seem to have approached me in sleep and seem to keep flicking against the surface of my body. They brush my skin like butterfly wings causing a gentle itch.
On the rubbish dumps there’s a seething unrest. If only I weren’t always so alone here, at work. But nobody should come too near me either or try to invade me. For long enough they have tried by means of this technology to riddle and consume me they have beaten my eardrums with the mighty din of proximity thrust their facts down my throat and spat their non-stop obscenities in my teeth and smeared them on my skin while I lay writhing but invisible in the deck chair a few inches above freshly raked earth which for order’s sake you must not tread - in North West Germany - while my face was turned so far inwards that in spite of the harsh spring light I no longer needed to close my delicate eyes. I was black with knowing. Without them without their quiet endurance without words I’d never have come through would have succumbed to the here and now. Without the stimulus of their silence I would never have reached this outpost where I despite the ultimate melting of the subcutaneous tissues and blood-vessels bursting body-wide want to linger a spell and work the while. Where criminal gestures and facts occur only as a sum total which I can leave to the accountants for their balance-sheets.
Without their mute presence on the horizon I would have succumbed too soon to the overwhelming evidence and the knowledge that had reached my body incredibly compressed would not only have cut me off from the feminine lifelines but would have entrenched me in the greatest imaginable horror. What it has on its conscience is only my two children to whom I was unable in the welter of appointments and the tumult of feelings even to say a due farewell before the amiable butchering doctors pulled them out of me mechanically and also because right from the beginning they had been Impaled even as seedlings so that no human link could ever develop. Knowing or living had been unmistakably conveyed to me every day. And I rushed, ever more unrecognisable through the mass of data and the inexorable daily round served butchers’ shops and the sewers of the living on the one hand and fed my lonely knowing inevitably on each of my paths on the other. Secretly, stealthily I procured - at least sometimes - more and more often - respite from a distance, from the overcast horizons which thus, in spite of all their reticence, grew closer and closer. Knowing like a blackening shadow had stood over every inner and outer burgeoning every shoot and offspring of my body terrain every attempt at blossoming nipped in the bud. Daily it had asserted itself within me: Either me or your bodily circuit. A murderer. Every day it stabbed me, bit by bit in Berlin for example thus sharpening my eye for the undead places in the city landscapes at the foot of the concrete walls where sand, dogs’ excrement and menstrual blood merge and where some die in communal allotments at the edge of stagnant duckponds covered with a layer of dust on bare slippery ground under snowberry bushes. With the stuck pig’s shrieks turned totally inwards conscious only of one’s own dwindling which resists the downward movement by the minute with a compressed charge of sounds with screams compounded of thousands of screams several for each nerve, and for each body cell which try in vain to escape at first one by one then en masse in a still living motion hoarse sore and blind through hundreds of barricaded and blocked escape routes. I’ve pulled it off one more time through ice-chambers and white-hot passages and right through the accursed labyrinth of screams. With nothing else before me or behind me except the glades and trails of devastation which go on being blazed and cut - relentless by men who go on being loved regardless part-time killers, lay and professional criminals who expect their petty pleasures even in old age and can find them in the mere struggle to carry on amidst the unequal division in life’s mechanics.
Now I can forget the facts for they certainly don’t forget me. Screened by coarse-meshed nets and sheltered by warped fences and crumbling walls I can stay fairly securely on the ground and let the attacks wash over me. There are some things still to be settled I have still to cross out a few lines or leave them to their own devices so that they like everything I do not handle myself peter out. Those who come very close to me still try of course in their blind rage to kill me. But as I do not need to maintain myself nor anyone else through me it is not so bad under cover of night. In extremis I still have the airlines to which I can brace myself to soar in a final effort.
The only thing I cannot quite evade are the assertions of other people’s happiness. They waylay me in unexpected places maliciously on the slightest pretext to discharge their refuse over me. They claim to be my own endeavours. Like a drug they befog me and repeatedly cast an enslaving spell over me leaving me paralysed and inert at the edge of a pit into which if it depended on them I must vanish for ever. Hours later they still wield a backwash effect dissipating my meagre energy into backward surging furrows never to be retrieved.
I cling to male tears after all that and while life moves on to a few men’s readiness to surrender of course such are now rare enough to be counted on the fingers of one hand to their signs of disintegration bouts of flooding emergency signals to the liquefied hieroglyphics of their inner security. But even that I may well soon no longer need.
Only FILIP MULLER the quiet steady tenor of his report from the dead to the living the undying moments of his words between two or more languages the unremitting dark of the intent amazement behind his wide-open eyes which even my deep sleep no longer closes. And then after the long report suspended in time gropingly meticulous of the sudden passing and annihilation that unique moment at first imperceptibly shifting the cessation propelled into motion of seconds’ duration causing the eyes and the folds of the face to move towards each other in which gaze and mouth opened for speech approach a meeting-place where all knowing begins to soften, to lose its grit although at first it looks as if the reporter would pause briefly Interrupt his flow, have to break off. But then it liquefies the knowing begins to flow Inwards and outwards at once and overwhelms floods the words between here and a moment ago so that they too weaken want to go under retreat sink below the floods embed themselves once more in silence and yield at last to the unspeakable with a catch in the throat, an attempt at a sob and the helpless cry STOP.
And how then the dogs bark at evening in the twilight by a swift-flowing river.
At night, when in truth nothing else remains my work even becomes a chamber of horrors in which the scrap of scope to move and oxygen reserves seem not to fill the bill. Then I no longer trust a single word in the narrowness of the six bare walls for truly all’s lost, naught’s won and the threads of words like watery spittle from half-open unperceiving mouths lay themselves limply on the pillow. But when the dawn chorus strikes up something relents and is calmer. The world begins once more to throw up waves the expanding air surges in and creates some elbow room a periphery. in the garden behind the last three marguerites in bloom for weeks emerge from the half-light so that confidence comes dropping slow to steer myself horizonwards once more and here and there and in between to have the power to work.
Broken down and sick with distance right from birth I am just the person for the work in hand. The unbridgeable but travelled expanses the strains dismemberments and sheddings of skin which were endured afresh every day and every night and in full consciousness coupled with the constant squeezings and constrictions were and are a training and a fitness test. Without the simultaneous tests for hardness, tensile stress and wear and tear I would not have been equal to this task. Words need that. Only on this condition do they allow intimacy allow themselves to be dug out and unloosed torn away from forlornness and be lifted out of soundlessness out of constricting ducts and underminings. They need the perfect pitch of pain the feeling in the bones and the alertness of the gut reaction. They also need of course my blood serum and my tears to be able to soften. They need my living body with all its excrescences. My illnesses my lapses contribute to their recovery and perhaps occasion their day-dreams: to reach somewhere else at last not always the same old waste land. They can hold on to my vocal cords when they want to scream and can count on my discretion when sounds forsake them or they do not yet want to be heard.
For togetherness is at an end the dead are close to me not the living and here comes at last the parting of the ways albeit not at one fell swoop: at the edges of wounds and where the knife has entered. Flowerless plants grow towards me ever so still and at times it is quite uncanny because I am so alone and because never again under the glare of torture will intimacy be possible. But it is too soon yet for ultimate conclusions and my existence is as yet unfinished. Also because of words. I creep up to their presence now in the pale light of spring. Like them I am at rock bottom. A verbal existence. Whether perceived by the living or not. Twilight state hybrid creature dream figure which from time immemorial has survived in its peculiar drugged condition after serious illness. It even dreams of itself thus ensuring its continuity or is in a coma equally remote from everything. I must develop an ear for what It hears an eye for what it sees and letters, syllables, words for what it says inaudibly murmurs mumbles keeps to itself sings or shouts or bellows breathes forth or sighs. It touches us both it stirs itself and me wild and lawless it keeps earth and abyss moving and pulsating prevents sediment and entrenchment.
The step the glance the bite into the sand away from modes and images of life which simply never would let go and tried to pinion, choke you till you drop. From every seed the grass that grew was black but bright, luxuriant. Vomit disgorgement written in waves of sand oozy flotsam and jetsam or remains and fragments of the living hardening as they emerge with open mouth and eyes tight closed or opening lids and closing mouths together veins filling or draining in a corporate swelling and contracting. And the flesh is it put on and taken off growing or wasting around the bones is the skin shed from the remains do the worms throw it up or does it graft itself together a skeleton mask healed without scars. Twilight figure decomposing agent leaning on a weathered gravestone the inscription partly faded a creature of uncertain sex between the generations frail devoid of hair and wrinkles naked and supple perhaps a mere heaving of the ground, a dune, a heap of sand. Neither old nor young half above and half below the earth buried and risen animate and inanimate plant, wrapped in the sheath of a human body in human skin a product of the desert soil which it has pierced, broken through forced up end fed from hidden springs ground water of fountains. Fleeting oasis or mirage amid the killing fields the camps and regulations. The arm slightly raised or drooping clutched over the heart the fingers of the narrow hand slightly crooked fluttering like palm fronds in the airstream between mouth orifice and ground ongoing first or last sign extension and underscoring of voiceless utterance breathed forth or of sounds already arrested at the vocal cords. Hand freed from gripping and grasping hovering and weightless guiding the dumb syllables, words, phrases into space leading them to the mid-point between heaven and earth on to the airstreams. Gesture and word separated but only by that same air as has breathed and produced both and which even sandstorms cannot harm since mouth and throat only silt up fleetingly and gestures remain audible and words visible in the pauses between the layers.