Being Old
Entre les ombres d’aquells galls i gossos
dels patis i corrals de Sanaüja,
hi ha un clot de temps perdut i pluja bruta
que veu anar els infants contra la mort.
Ser vell és una mena de postguerra.
Asseguts a la taula de la cuina
en vespres de braser triant llenties
veig els qui m’estimaven.
Tan pobres que al final d’aquella guerra
es van haver de vendre el miserable
tros de vinya i el gèlid casalot.
Ser vell és que la guerra s’ha acabat.
Saber on són els refugis, ara inútils.
Among the shades of those cocks and dogs
of the farmyards and backyards of Sanaüja,
there is a hole of lost time and dirty rain
that sees children going towards death.
Being old is a kind of post-war time.
I see sitting at the kitchen table
sifting lentils on evenings round the brazier
those who loved me.
So poor that at the end of that war
they had to sell the few wretched
acres of vines and the icy farmhouse.
Being old means the war has ended.
Knowing where the shelters are, now useless.
Translated by Anna Crowe
Page(s) 55
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