The Quail Hunt
(from The Terrestrial Gazebo of Delight, III, 29-35.)
Our mutual delights were soon interrupted
by dulcet chirpings from the bush,
& we quietly observed a flock of quail
feeding up to itself in the undergrowth.
Sweet Nature sighed to herself, wishing that
we had the nets & blunderbusses with us
for a good hunt.
‘Let’s go & get the others’ I suggested
‘& I’ll race you back to the Gazebos.’
So, we belted back to find the others.
The main Gazebo was timeless as ever, Wisdom
looking bored shitless while Divine Mercy
was rambling on about something or other.
The drone choir was asleep in the sun, &
the other Virtues nibbling on bits of meat
left over from lunch.
Sweet Nature outran me, & startled Wisdom
out of her slumber by her sudden entrance.
‘Sound a high drone, & scatter about
as much incense as you can. We’ve found some
Quail in the woods!’
There were whoops of joy & dulcet sighs
from everybody, & we all went to get the blunderbusses.
Sweet Nature found me a particularly good one,
about five feet long with a silver barrel.
Fast badly she led the others back to the Quail,
while myself & Wisdom helped Courage along
on his stick, carrying his gun for him.
Soon, the plan of attack was decided.
The Quails’ position being reported to Divine Mercy,
she had them surrounded, & those members of
the Drone choir that were present held the
nets & the whippets in readiness.
Divine Mercy waited until the breeze dropped,
then gave the signal to begin firing.
At once, we all fired & reloaded, making a
tremendous din & stench of gunpowder. The
nets were thrown into the air, & the whippets
released from their golden collars to pick up the birds.
For about an hour the firing went on, until there
was no sign of any wildlife anywhere. I might say
that these set hunts were very inefficient, & seldom
succeeded in catching anything. What quail were caught
usually died of shock from the noise (about two a year.)
Nevertheless it was sweet fun to make such a noise,
& stirring to brave hearts to see so many whippets
running about. All the birds were long since flew,
so after a while we packed up the guns & took everything back.
The catch was nil but all the same the Virtues
were in good humour again, singing sweetly iambic
songs on the walk back. Wisdom & Sweet Nature knew
all the verses, & the rest of us sang the refrains.
Afterwards, Sweet Nature & myself repaired to a
quiet Gazebo to enjoy a pot of tea & a good hard poke.
Page(s) 11-12
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