You climb up a rock pile
your child hands plump and
certain, nails full of the
earth. You’ve been digging
a fort. The walls, small rises of fine dust
will blow away in tomorrow’s
The rocks are rounded
grooved, abraded by glacial movement, spring floods and
penetrating ice where buffalo have leaned itchy hides
for a hundred thousand mosquito-ridden dusks
Each rock warms you, releases afternoon
sun, the remembered warmth of its making
Dried grasses poke through crevices
stubborn as their roots
Your feet are hide-tough
from the gravel of the lane to the unpainted
farmhouse, the sun’s reflection on its windows
fuchsia gold
You balance both feet on the cap stone, heaved from the field
fifty years ago You reach for a handful of sunset, shout
to the rocks, the earthen fort, the stooped
figure at the door of the glowing house, the sun itself
“I am King of the Castle” The shout
echoes back from the barn You call
again, again, vaguely sense the indulgence
pillowing the potential, your inevitable fall.
You are young
Page(s) 188-189
magazine list
- Features
- zines
- 10th Muse
- 14
- Acumen
- Agenda
- Ambit
- Angel Exhaust
- ARTEMISpoetry
- Atlas
- Blithe Spirit
- Borderlines
- Brando's hat
- Brittle Star
- Candelabrum
- Cannon's Mouth, The
- Chroma
- Coffee House, The
- Dream Catcher
- Equinox
- Erbacce
- Fabric
- Fire
- Floating Bear, The
- French Literary Review, The
- Frogmore Papers, The
- Global Tapestry
- Grosseteste Review
- Homeless Diamonds
- Interpreter's House, The
- Iota
- Journal, The
- Lamport Court
- London Magazine, The
- Magma
- Matchbox
- Matter
- Modern Poetry in Translation
- Monkey Kettle
- Moodswing
- Neon Highway
- New Welsh Review
- North, The
- Oasis
- Obsessed with pipework
- Orbis
- Oxford Poetry
- Painted, spoken
- Paper, The
- Pen Pusher Magazine
- Poetry Cornwall
- Poetry London
- Poetry London (1951)
- Poetry Nation
- Poetry Review, The
- Poetry Salzburg Review
- Poetry Scotland
- Poetry Wales
- Private Tutor
- Purple Patch
- Quarto
- Rain Dog
- Reach Poetry
- Review, The
- Rialto, The
- Second Aeon
- Seventh Quarry, The
- Shearsman
- Smiths Knoll
- Smoke
- South
- Staple
- Strange Faeces
- Tabla Book of New Verse, The
- Thumbscrew
- Tolling Elves
- Ugly Tree, The
- Weyfarers
- Wolf, The
- Yellow Crane, The