In Time of Illness 
Todd Swift reading In Time of Illness 935.3 KB
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Contain belief breaking, my new God
before it spread out, into countryside
to fever the unprotected, un-with any
antiviral medicine or mask, who died
touched by the airborne task of love;
constrain, bind, hold it back. Blood
flows on, so might faith in you, plied
with infectious emotion. Low-grade,
or high, our spirit rises up to sunlight,
sin of the weather if intemperate but
too soon lowered into night’s late cup:
golden-meaned, Lazarene, about
to abandon mortuary evening again.
Go; infect the neighbour then his wife
with an agency to make old life sick
to realize one way it was going to end.
Disease-friend, my God, bed me now
so I may lie lost on my wounded side
and feel a mutating hope metastasize;
the body’s a carrier of the Holy Ghost.
Page(s) 348-349
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