The Sayings of the Bloksberg Post
edited by Stephen Burt
The Pound Affair
edited by Stephen Burt
Recalling the Elder
(i.m. of my grandfather)
Translated by N. S. Thompson
His Father's Son
Michael Hofmann: Approximately Nowhere. London: Faber, £7.99.
Hitting the High Notes
Tim Liardet and Paul Henry
The Spyder
from Thomas Muffet's Theater of Insects
after Nesta Wyn Jones
Loyal to his Doom
Nick Gammage (ed.): The Epic Poise: A Celebration of Ted Hughes. London: Faber, £9.99.
The Floodwaters
for Ted Hughes, 28 October 1998
Invocation and Interruption
i.m. Ted Hughes
Writing Landscape
Robert Gray: Lineations. Todmorden: Arc, £8.95.
Can You Describe This?
Peter Forbes (ed.): Scanning the Century: The Penguin Book of the Twentieth Century in Verse. Harmondsworth: Viking, £20.
Rounding the Strelka of Vassilievsky Island
for Dorothy Bednarowska
Clotted Cream
Aidan Mathews: According to the Small Hours. London: Cape, £8.
Ireland from Oxford
Bernard O’Donoghue: Here Nor There. London: Chatto & Windus, £8.99.
for Richard Kerridge
Translated by Phillis Levin and Tomaz Salamun
House in Heaven
C.L. Dallat: Morning Star. Belfast: Lagan Press, £4.95.
Small Daily Details
James Schuyler: Last Poems. London: Slow Dancer, £7.99.
Odds and Ends
Shapcott, Motion
magazine list
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- Iota
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- Second Aeon
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- Staple
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- Tabla Book of New Verse, The
- Thumbscrew
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- Yellow Crane, The