An Interview with Michael Longley
“Au Revoir, Oeuvre”
The Latecomers
for Britta Olinder
Hommage to James "Mick" Magennis VC
Birds & Flowers
for Fuyuji Tanigawa
A Spring of Bay
in memory of Sean Dunne, 1956-1995
Snow Poet
Michael Longley
To Travel
(after the finnish of Gosta Agren)
Three Eric Gregory Award Winners, 1998 (2)
An After-Life
Three Eric Gregory Award Winners, 1998 (3)
Reading Wings
Australian Peculiarities
Les Murray
Family Values V
Like A Lark Arising At Dawn
for Cindy
By Their Errata Shall Ye Know Them
Jorie Graham: The Errancy. Manchester: Carcanet, £9.95.
A Poetic Image-Stack for the '90s
George Szirtes: Portrait of my Father in an English Landscape. Oxford: OUP, £7.99.
Paul Muldoon: Hay. London: Faber, £7.99.
Bondage Motifs
David Kennedy: Cities. Sheffield: Kennedy, £2.50.
Odds and Ends
New Blood, Lumsden, McGough Revisited
magazine list
- Features
- zines
- 10th Muse
- 14
- Acumen
- Agenda
- Ambit
- Angel Exhaust
- ARTEMISpoetry
- Atlas
- Blithe Spirit
- Borderlines
- Brando's hat
- Brittle Star
- Candelabrum
- Cannon's Mouth, The
- Chroma
- Coffee House, The
- Dream Catcher
- Equinox
- Erbacce
- Fabric
- Fire
- Floating Bear, The
- French Literary Review, The
- Frogmore Papers, The
- Global Tapestry
- Grosseteste Review
- Homeless Diamonds
- Interpreter's House, The
- Iota
- Journal, The
- Lamport Court
- London Magazine, The
- Magma
- Matchbox
- Matter
- Modern Poetry in Translation
- Monkey Kettle
- Moodswing
- Neon Highway
- New Welsh Review
- North, The
- Oasis
- Obsessed with pipework
- Orbis
- Oxford Poetry
- Painted, spoken
- Paper, The
- Pen Pusher Magazine
- Poetry Cornwall
- Poetry London
- Poetry London (1951)
- Poetry Nation
- Poetry Review, The
- Poetry Salzburg Review
- Poetry Scotland
- Poetry Wales
- Private Tutor
- Purple Patch
- Quarto
- Rain Dog
- Reach Poetry
- Review, The
- Rialto, The
- Second Aeon
- Seventh Quarry, The
- Shearsman
- Smiths Knoll
- Smoke
- South
- Staple
- Strange Faeces
- Tabla Book of New Verse, The
- Thumbscrew
- Tolling Elves
- Ugly Tree, The
- Weyfarers
- Wolf, The
- Yellow Crane, The